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Arizona is the 48th state and last of the contiguous states admitted to the Union...
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Why should you do business with a Vehicle Service Contract Broker?
Our Service Contract Programs adhere to Federal Trade Commission (FTC) Facts for Consumers. See www.ftc.gov We do not have any outstanding complaints with any consumer oriented and (or) governmental agencies.
Our rates are very competitive when program-to- program comparisons are made with both Auto Dealers and Internet Web sites.
We offer immediate coverage with No Waiting Period, for vehicles still under factory warranty, or those that pass visual inspection.
We will negotiate on your behalf , on any gray area claim disputes with provider administrators, on a case by case basis.
We do not "Bait and Switch."
You will always be offered the most comprehensive agreement for your vehicle the First Time Around.
If you prefer simpler coverage, a lower premium policy can be tailored to meet your needs.
The Auto Service Contract
A service contract is a promise to perform (or pay for) certain repairs or services. Sometimes called an "extended warranty," a service contract is not a warranty as defined by federal law. A service contract may be arranged at any time and always costs extra; a warranty comes with a new car and is included in the original price.
The separate and additional cost distinguishes a service contract from a warranty.
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Vehicle Manufacturers
Did You Know?
Arizona is the 48th state and last of the contiguous states admitted to the Union, achieving statehood on February 14, 1912 - the 50th anniversary of Arizona's recognition as a territory of the Confederate States of America. Arizona is noted for its desert climate, exceptionally hot summers, and mild winters, however it also features pine forests and mountain ranges in the northern high country, with cooler weather than in the lower deserts.... (read more on Wikipedia about Arizona)